Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
6 Possible Mechanisms by Which Nanoparticles Induce Toxicity.......................................... 35
6.1 GenerationofROS ...................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Interaction with Proteins ............................................................................................. 36
6.3 DNA Damage .............................................................................................................. 37
7 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 38
References .................................................................................................................................. 39
Nanotechnology is associated with the design and application of nanoscale particles
terparts. The Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering offer the following
tion and application of structures, devices, and systems by controlling shape and
sizeatnanometerscale”(RoyalSocietyandRoyalAcademyofEngineering 2004 ).
utilized for multiple applications.These include particles that are made of carbon,
metalandmetal-oxideandquantumdots(QDs)(seeTable 1 for a list of abbreviations
applications that have social and economic benefit. Metal nanoparticles are used in
medicineandhavegreatantibacterialpotential(Chopra 2007 ). ZnO and TiO 2 nanopar-
ticles have light-scattering potential and are used to protect against harmful UV
light(Rodr■guezandFern£ndez-Garc■a 2007 ). ENPs have also proved to be poten-
tialdrugdeliveryagents(Alivisatos 2004 ;Gibsonetal. 2007 ; Huber 2005 ; Tsai et al.
2007 ).ENPsareeficientscrubbersofgaseouspollutantlikecarbondioxide(CO 2 ),
nitrogenoxides(NO x ),andsulphuroxides(SO x )(SchmitzandBaird 2002 ). Moreover,
ENPsareusedforapplicationsinenvironmentalremediation(Zhang 2003 ).
Scientists and economists have predicted that ENP-based processes and technol-
et al. 2006 ). It has been estimated that the value of nanotechnology products will
reach $1 trillion by 2015 and will employ about two million workers (Nel et al.
2006 ; Roco and Bainbridge 2005 ).
The increased growth of nano-based products for multiple applications will ulti-
Bucheli 2007 ). Nanomaterial wastes are released into the environment from operat-
ing or disposing of nanodevices and during nanomaterial manufacturing processes.
i.e., such particles can float into the air, be chemically transformed, and can affect
The dearth of information on environmental transport and safety has raised con-
much more about the fate and behavior of ENPs in the environment and in biologi-
cal systems. Nanotechnology is still in its infancy, and it is critical that action be
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