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subsequent Regression Analysis (better replaced by SEM, Path Modelling or Graphical Models).
Another example is Cluster Analysis with subsequent model estimation (nowadays replaced by
Finite Mixture Modelling). Method combinations are valuable as long as a single-step procedure
is unavailable. In this case they may serve as forerunners for elaborating more general models and
methods. But, of course, there are no limits to resourcefulness and ingenuity in proposing joint
usage of methods seemingly unrelated before.
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Bailey, K.D. (1994) Typologies and Taxonomies: An Introduction to Classifi cation Techniques. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Bargeman, B., Joh, Ch.-H., Timmermans, H. and Van der Waerden, P. (1999) 'Correlates of Tourist Vacation
Behavior: A Combination of CHAID and Loglinear Logit Analysis', Tourism Analysis , 4: 83-93.
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Bartkus, K.R. (1995) 'An Expanded Model of the Experience/Performance Relationship in Travel Service
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Baumgartner, H. and Homburg, C. (1996) 'Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing and
Consumer Research: A Review', International Journal of Research in Marketing , 13: 139-61.
Bojamic, D.C. and Calantone, R. (1990) 'A Contribution Approach to Price Bundling in Tourism', Annals
of Tourism Research , 17: 528-40.
Bond, T.G. and Fox, C.M. (2001) Applying the Rasch Model: Fundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences.
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Calantone, R.J. and Mazanec, J.A. (1991) 'Marketing Management and Tourism', Annals of Tourism Research ,
18: 101-19.
Chaminuka , P., Groeneveld, R.A., Selomane, A.O. and van Ierland, E.C. (2012) 'Tourist Preferences for
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Tourism Management , 33: 168-76.
Chaturvedi, A., Carroll, J.D., Green, P.E. and Rotondo, J.A. (1997) 'A Feature-based Approach to Market
Segmentation via Overlapping k-Centroids Clustering', Journal of Marketing Research , 34: 370-77.
Chen, K.-Y. and Wang, C.-H. (2007) 'Support Vector Regression With Genetic Algorithms in Forecasting
Tourism Demand', Tourism Management , 28: 215-26.
Churchill, G.A. (1979) 'A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs', Journal of
Marketing Research , 16(1): 64-73.
Crouch, G.I. (1995) 'A Meta-Analysis of Tourism Demand', Annals of Tourism Research , 22: 103-18.
Decrop, A. and Zidda, P. (2006) 'Typology of Vacation Decision-Making Modes', Tourism Analysis , 11:
Diamantopoulos, A. and Winklhofer, H.M. (2001) 'Index Construction with Formative Indicators: An
Alternative to Scale Development', Journal of Marketing Research , 38: 269-77.
Diamantopoulos, A., Riefl er, P. and Roth, K.P. (2008) 'Advancing Formative Measurement Models', Journal
of Business Research , 61: 1203-218.
Dolnicar, S. (2002) 'A Review of Data-driven Market Segmentation in Tourism', Journal of Travel and Tourism
Marketing , 12: 1-22.
— (2004a) 'Beyond “Commonsense Segmentation”: A Systematics of Segmentation Approaches in
Tourism', Journal of Travel Research , 42: 244-50.
— (2004b) 'Tracking Data-driven Market Segmentation', Tourism Analysis , 8: 227-32.
Dolnicar, S. and Grün, B. (2008) 'Challenging “Factor Cluster Segmentation”', Journal of Travel Research , 47:
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