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Figure 10.1 Paradigm shift towards technology enhanced tourism experiences.
2004). The third component represents ICTs , which in different manifestations, such as the
Internet, social media or mobile services, facilitate the co-creation of enhanced tourism
experiences and value (Neuhofer et al . 2012).
Surrounding the inner circle, four factors were critical in allowing for an emergence of
technology enhanced tourism experiences. Consumer empowerment is characterized by the
shift from passive to active consumers driven by their search for more meaningful experiences.
With a dynamic market environment , characterized by increased competition, need for constant
innovation and creation of compelling experiences, businesses are faced with ever-more com-
petitiveness. In a response to this market force, companies have become highly competitive
in order to reduce commodifi cation and differentiate themselves by creating more valuable
experiences and maximizing the opportunities for co-creation. In this respect, ICTs have been
suggested as key instrument to facilitate and enrich this process. By exploiting its full potential,
companies have taken advantage of the range of services available to engage with consumers, not
only online in the pre/post stage of travel, but due to the mobility of devices, on the move along
every step of the journey.
Having outlined the elements framing technology enhanced tourism experiences, it is
equally important to take a closer inspection at the differences that make this type distinct from
previous experience generations. Table 10.1 presents the theoretical development of tourism
experiences and offers an overview in juxtapositioning the advancements from Experience
1.0 (the experience economy), Experience 2.0 (co-creation experiences) to the latest paradigm
of Experience 3.0 (technology enhanced tourism experiences). While prior experiences
were characterized by company-focused approaches, we have now moved towards an active,
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