Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Note: Using the EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR attribute requires the
EGL_KHR_create_context extension. This attribute is defined
in eglext.h (EGL v1.4). It is also worth noting that some
implementations will always promote OpenGL ES 2.0 contexts to
OpenGL ES 3.0 contexts, as OpenGL ES 3.0 is backward compatible
with OpenGL ES 2.0.
To use this set of attributes as a selection criteria, follow Example 3-3.
Example 3-3
Querying EGL Surface Configurations
const EGLint MaxConfigs = 10;
EGLConfig configs[MaxConfigs]; // We'll accept only 10 configs
EGLint numConfigs;
if ( !eglChooseConfig( display, attribList, configs, MaxConfigs,
&numConfigs ) )
// Something did not work ... handle error situation
// Everything is okay; continue to create a rendering surface
If eglChooseConfig returns successfully, a set of EGLConfigs matching
your criteria will be returned. If more than one EGLConfig matches
(with at most the maximum number of configurations you specify),
eglChooseConfig will sort the configurations using the following ordering:
By the value of EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT . Precedence is given to
configurations where there are no configuration caveats (when the
value of EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT is EGL_NONE ), then slow rendering
configurations ( EGL_SLOW_CONFIG ), and finally nonconformant
configurations ( EGL_NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG ).
By the type of buffer as specified by EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE .
By the number of bits in the color buffer in descending sizes. The
number of bits in a buffer depends on the EGL_COLOR_BUFFER_TYPE , and
will be at least the value specified for a particular color channel. When
the buffer type is EGL_RGB_BUFFER , the number of bits is computed
as the total of EGL_RED_SIZE , EGL_GREEN_SIZE , and EGL_BLUE_SIZE .
When the color buffer type is EGL_LUMINANCE_BUFFER , the number of
bits is the sum of EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE and EGL_ALPHA_SIZE .
By the value of EGL_BUFFER_SIZE in ascending order.
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