Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
each color component, or the depth buffer (if any) associated with that
EGLConfig . You can query any of the attributes of an EGLConfig , using
the eglGetConfigAttrib function, which we describe later.
To query all EGL surface configurations supported by the underlying
windowing system, call this function:
EGLBoolean eglGetConfigs (EGLDisplay display ,
EGLConfig * configs ,
EGLint maxReturnConfigs ,
EGLint * numConfigs )
display specifies the EGL display connection
configs specifies the list of configs
maxReturnConfigs specifies the size of configs
specifies the size of configs returned
This function returns EGL_TRUE if the call succeeded. On failure, this call
will return EGL_FALSE and set EGL's error code to
EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if display is not initialized.
EGL_BAD_PARAMETER if numConfigs is NULL .
There are two ways to call eglGetConfigs . First, if you specify NULL
for the value of configs , the system will return EGL_TRUE and set
numConfigs to the number of available EGLConfig s. No additional
information about any of the EGLConfig is in the system is returned, but
knowing the number of available configurations allows you to allocate
enough memory to get the entire set of EGLConfig s, should you care to
do so.
Alternatively, and perhaps more usefully, you can allocate an array of
uninitialized EGLConfig values and pass them into eglGetConfigs as the
configs parameter. Set maxReturnConfigs to the size of the array you
allocated, which will also specify the maximum number of configurations
that will be returned. When the call completes, numConfigs will be
updated with the number of entries in configs that were modified.
You can then begin processing the list of returned values, querying the
characteristics of the various configurations to determine which one best
matches your needs.
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