Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Code Framework
Throughout this topic, we build a library of utility functions that form a
framework of useful functions for writing OpenGL ES 3.0 programs. In
developing example programs for the topic, we had several goals for this
code framework:
It should be simple, small, and easy to understand. We wanted to
focus our examples on the relevant OpenGL ES 3.0 calls, rather than
on a large code framework that we invented. Thus we focused our
framework on simplicity and sought to make the example programs
easy to read and understand. The goal of the framework is to allow
you to focus your attention on the important OpenGL ES 3.0 API
concepts in each example.
It should be portable. To the extent possible, we wanted the sample
code to be available on all platforms where OpenGL ES 3.0 is present.
As we go through the examples in the topic, we will formally introduce
any new code framework functions that we use. In addition, you can
find full documentation for the code framework in Appendix C. Any
functions called in the example code that have names beginning with es
(e.g., esCreateWindow() ) are part of the code framework we wrote for the
sample programs in this topic.
Where to Download the Examples
You can ind links to download the examples from the topic website at
As of this writing, the source code is available for Windows, Linux,
Android 4.3+ NDK, Android 4.3+ SDK (Java), and iOS7. On Windows,
the code is compatible with the Qualcomm OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator,
ARM OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator, and PowerVR OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator.
On Linux, the currently available emulators are the Qualcomm OpenGL
ES 3.0 Emulator and the PowerVR OpenGL ES 3.0 Emulator. The code
should be compatible with any Windows- or Linux-based OpenGL ES 3.0
implementations in addition to those mentioned here. The choice of
development tool is up to the reader. We have used cmake, a cross-
platform build generation tool, on Windows and Linux, which allows
you to use IDEs including Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, Code::Blocks,
and Xcode.
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