Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Transformation Functions
We now describe utility functions that perform commonly used
transformations such as scale, rotate, translate, and matrix multiplication.
Most vertex shaders will use one or more matrices to transform the vertex
position from local coordinate space to clip coordinate space (refer to
Chapter 7, “Primitive Assembly and Rasterization,” for a description of
the various coordinate systems). Matrices are also used to transform other
vertex attributes such as normals and texture coordinates. The transformed
matrices can then be used as values for appropriate matrix uniforms used
in a vertex or fragment shader. You will notice similarities between these
functions and appropriate functions defined in OpenGL and OpenGL
ES 1.x. For example, esScale should be quite similar to glScale,
esFrustum should be similar to glFrustum , and so on.
A new type, ESMatrix , is defined in the framework. This is used to
represent a 4 × 4 floating-point matrix and is declared as follows:
typdedef struct {
GLfloat m[4][4];
} ESMatrix ;
void ESUTIL_API esFrustum (ESMatrix * result,
GLfloat left, GLfloat right,
GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top,
GLfloat nearZ, GLfloat farZ )
Multiply matrix specified by result with a perspective projection
matrix and return new matrix in result .
result the input matrix
left, right specify the coordinates for the left and right clipping
bottom, top specify the coordinates for the bottom and top clipping
nearZ, farZ specify the distances to the near and far depth clipping
planes; both distances must be positive
The new matrix after the perspective projection matrix has been
multiplied is returned in result
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