Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
vertShaderSrc vertex shader source code
fragShaderSrc fragment shader source code
A new program object linked with the vertex/fragment shader pair;
0 on failure
char* ESUTIL_API esLoadTGA (char * fileName , int * width ,
int * height )
Loads an 8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit TGA image from a file.
filename name of the file on disk
width width of loaded image in pixels
height height of loaded image in pixels
Pointer to loaded image; NULL on failure.
int ESUTIL_API esGenSphere (int numSlices, float radius,
GLfloat ** vertices, GLfloat ** normals,
GLfloat ** texCoords, GLuint ** indices )
Generates geometry for a sphere. Allocates memory for the vertex data
and stores the results in the arrays. Generates index list for a
numSlices the number of vertical and horizontal slices in the sphere
vertices if not NULL , will contain array of float3 positions
normals if not NULL , will contain array of float3 normals
texCoords if not NULL , will contain array of float2 texCoords
indices if not NULL , will contain the array of indices for the
triangle strip
The number of indices required for rendering the buffers (the number of
indices stored in the indices array if it is not NULL ) as a
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