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Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions
Floating-point pack and unpack functions do not operate component-
wise, rather as described in each case (Table B-4).
Table B-4
Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions
highp uint packSnorm2x16 (vec2 v )
First, converts each component of the
normalized floating-point value v into
16-bit integer values. Then, the results are
packed into the returned 32-bit unsigned
integer. The conversion for component
c of v to fixed point is done as follows:
round(clamp( c , -1, +1) * 32767.0)
The first component of the vector will be
written to the least significant bits of the
output; the last component will be
written to the most significant bits.
highp vec2 unpackSnorm 2x16
(highp uint p )
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned
integer p into a pair of 16-bit unsigned
integers. Then, each component is
converted to a normalized floating-
point value to generate the returned
two-component vector.
The conversion for unpacked fixed-
point value f to floating point is done
as follows:
clamp(f/32767.0, f /32767.0, -1, +1)
The first component of the returned
vector will be extracted from the
least significant bits of the input;
the last component will be extracted
from the most significant bits.
highp vec2 unpackUnorm2x16
(highp uint p )
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned
integer p into a pair of 16-bit unsigned
integers. Then, each component is
converted to a normalized floating-
point value to generate the returned
two-component vector.
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