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Angle and Trigonometry Functions
Function parameters specified as angle are assumed to be in units of
radians. In no case will any of these functions result in a divide by zero
error. If the divisor of a ratio is 0, then results will be undefined.
These functions all operate component-wise. The description shown in
Table B-1 is per component.
Table B-1
Angle and Trigonometry Functions
genType radians (genType
degrees )
Converts degrees to radians, i.e., π/180 *
genType degrees (genType
radians )
Converts radians to degrees, i.e., 180/π *
genType sin (genType angle )
The standard trigonometric sine function.
Return values are in the range [-1, 1].
genType cos (genType angle )
The standard trigonometric cosine function.
Return values are in the range [-1, 1].
genType tan (genType angle )
The standard trigonometric tangent function.
genType asin (genType x )
Arc sine. Returns an angle whose sine is x.
The range of values returned by this function
is [-π/2, π/2]. Results are undefined if | x | > 1.
genType acos (genType x )
Arc cosine. Returns an angle with cosine x.
The range of values returned by this function
is [0, π]. Results are undefined if | x | > 1.
genType atan (genType y ,
genType x )
Arc tangent. Returns an angle with tangent
y/x. The signs of x and y are used to determine
what quadrant the angle is in. The range of
values returned by this function is [-π, π].
Results are undefined if x and y are both 0.
genType atan (genType
y_over_x )
Arc tangent. Returns an angle with tangent
y_over_x. The range of values returned by this
function is [-π/2, π/2].
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