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export ANT=/cygdrive/c/Android/apache-ant-1.9.2/bin
export PATH=$PATH:${ANT}
export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK}/tools
export PATH=$PATH:${ANDROID_SDK}/platform-tools
Building the Example Code with Android NDK
Once the prerequisites have been installed, building the samples with the
Android NDK is straightforward. From a terminal (Cygwin on Windows),
navigate to the Android/ folder for the sample you want to build and
enter the following commands:
Hello_Triangle/Android $ android.bat update project -p . -t
Hello_Triangle/Android/jni $ cd jni
Hello_Triangle/Android/jni $ ndk-build
Hello_Triangle/Android/jni $ cd ..
Hello_Triangle/Android $ ant debug
Hello_Triangle/Android $ adb install -r bin/NativeActivity-debug.apk
Note that on Mac OS X or Linux, you would use the command android
instead of android.bat (the build steps are otherwise the same). The
android.bat command will generate the project build files for the
example. Navigating to the jni/ folder and entering ndk-build will
compile the C source code for the project and generate the library file for
the sample. Finally, running ant debug will build the final apk file that is
installed to the device (done with the final step using the adb tool).
Once the sample is installed on the device, an icon for it will appear in the
Apps list on the device. Any log message output from the sample can be
viewed using adb logcat .
Building for Android 4.3+ SDK (Java)
The sample code in the topic is written in native C, which is why we
chose to port it to the Android NDK. While working with the NDK
may be useful to Android developers who plan to write cross-platform
native code, many Android applications are written in Java using the
SDK instead of the NDK. To help developers who wish to work in Java
with the SDK instead of the NDK, we also provide the topic sample code
in Java.
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