Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 14-9
2D Texture Projected onto Object
The idea behind projective lighting is to transform the position of an
object into the projective view space of a light. The projective light
space position, after application of a scale and bias, can then be used as
a projective texture coordinate. The vertex shader in the PVRShaman
example workspace does the work of transforming the position into the
projective view space of a light.
Matrices for Projective Texturing
There are three matrices that we need to transform the position
into projective view space of the light and get a projective texture
Light projection —projection matrix of the light source using the
field of view, aspect ratio, and near and far planes of the light.
Light view —The view matrix of the light source. This would be
constructed just as if the light were a camera.
Bias matrix —A matrix that transforms the light-space projected
position into a 3D projective texture coordinate.
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