Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
After the objects have been created, we call glBindTexture(texture) to
make the texture the currently bound texture object. The texture mip level
is then specified using glTexImage2D . Note that the pixels argument is
NULL : We are rendering to the entire texture region, so there is no reason
to specify any input data (this data will be overwritten).
The depthRenderbuffer object is bound using glBindRenderbuffer , and
glRenderbufferStorage is called to allocate storage for a 16-bit depth buffer.
The framebuffer object is bound using glBindFramebuffer . texture is
attached as a color attachment to framebuffer , and depthRenderbuffer
is attached as a depth attachment to framebuffer .
We next check the framebuffer status to see if it is complete before we
begin drawing into framebuffer . Once framebuffer rendering is complete,
we reset the currently bound framebuffer to the window system-provided
framebuffer by calling glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0) . We
can now use texture , which was used as a render target in framebuffer ,
to draw to the window system-provided framebuffer.
In Example 12-2, the depth buffer attachment to framebuffer was a
renderbuffer object. In Example 12-3, we consider how to use a depth
texture as a depth buffer attachment to framebuffer . Applications can
render to the depth texture used as a framebuffer attachment from the
light source. The rendered depth texture can then be used as a shadow
map to calculate the percentage in shadow for each fragment. Figure 12-3
shows the generated image.
Example 12-3
Render to Depth Texture
GLuint framebuffer;
GLuint textures[2];
GLint texWidth = 256, texHeight = 256;
// generate the framebuffer and texture object names
glGenFramebuffers ( l, &framebuffer );
glGenTextures ( 2, textures );
// bind color texture and load the texture mip level 0
// texels are RGB565
// no texels need to specified as we are going to draw into
// the texture
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