Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The glCheckFramebufferStatus command can be used to verify that a
framebuffer object is complete.
GLenum glCheckFramebufferStatus (GLenum target )
must be set to GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER ,
glCheckFramebufferStatus returns zero if target is not equal to
GL_FRAMEBUFFER . If target is equal to GL_FRAMEBUFFER , one of the
following enums is returned:
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE —Framebuffer is complete.
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED —If target is the default framebuffer
but it does not exist.
attachment points are not complete. This might be due to the fact
that the required attachment is zero or is not a valid texture or
renderbuffer object.
attachments in the framebuffer.
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED —The combination of internal formats
used by attachments in the framebuffer results in a nonrenderable target.
GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is not the same for all renderbuffer
attachments or GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is non-zero when the
attachments are a combination of renderbuffers and textures.
If the currently bound framebuffer object is not complete, attempts to use
that object for reading and writing pixels will fail. In turn, calls to draw
primitives, such as glDrawArrays and glDrawElements , and commands
that read the framebuffer, such as glReadPixels , glCopyTeximage2D ,
glCopyTexSubImage2D , and glCopyTexSubImage3D , will generate a
Framebuffer Blits
Framebuffer blits allow for efficient copying of a rectangle of pixel values
from one framebuffer (i.e., read framebuffer) to another framebuffer (i.e.,
draw framebuffer). One key application of framebuffer blits is to resolve a
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