Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
void glRenderbufferStorage (GLenumĀ  target ,
GLenum internalformat ,
GLsizei width , GLsizei height )
void glRenderbufferStorageMultisample (GLenum target ,
GLsizei samples ,
GLenum internalformat ,
GLsizei width , GLsizei height )
must be set to GL_RENDERBUFFER .
number of samples to be used with
the renderbuffer object's storage.
Must be less than GL_MAX_SAMPLES
( glRenderbufferStorageMultisample only)
must be a format that can be used as a color
buffer, depth buffer, or stencil buffer.
The supported formats are listed in Tables 12-1
and 12-2.
width of the renderbuffer in pixels;
must be less than or equal to
height of the renderbuffer in pixels;
must be less than or equal to
be values that are smaller than the maximum renderbuffer size
supported by the implementation. The minimum size value that must
be supported by all OpenGL ES implementations is 1. The actual
maximum size supported by the implementation can be queried using
the following code:
GLint maxRenderbufferSize = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &maxRenderbufferSize);
The internalformat argument specifies the format that the application
would like to use to store pixels in the renderbuffer object. Table 12-1
lists the renderbuffer formats to store a color-renderable buffer, and
Table 12-2 lists the formats to store a depth-renderable or stencil-
renderable buffer.
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