Graphics Reference
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Example 8-9
OpenGL ES 1.1 Fixed-Function Vertex Pipeline (continued)
uniform bool xform_eye_p; // xform_eye_p is set if we need
// Peye for user clip plane,
// lighting, or fog
uniform bool rescale_normal; // is rescale normal enabled
uniform bool normalize_normal; // is normalize normal
// enabled
uniform float rescale_normal_factor; // rescale normal
// factor if
uniform vec4 ucp_eqn; // user clip plane equation;
// one user clip plane specified
uniform bool enable_ucp; // is user clip plane enabled
// vertex attributes: not all of them may be passed in
in vec4 a_position; // this attribute is always specified
in vec4 a_texcoord0; // available if enable_tex[0] is true
in vec4 a_texcoordl; // available if enable_tex[1] is true
in vec4 a_color; // available if !enable_lighting or
// (enable_lighting && enable_color_material)
in vec3 a_normal; // available if xform_normal is set
// (required for lighting)
// output variables of the vertex shader
out vec4 v_texcoord[NUM_TEXTURES];
out vec4 v_front_color;
out vec4 v_back_color;
out float v_fog_factor;
out float v_ucp_factor;
// temporary variables used by the vertex shader
vec4 p_eye;
vec3 n;
vec4 mat_ambient_color;
vec4 mat_diffuse_color;
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