Graphics Reference
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Example 8-3
Spotlight (continued)
vec4 specular_color;
float specular_exponent;
const float c_zero = 0.0;
const float c_one = 1.0;
uniform material_properties material;
uniform spot_light light;
// normal and position are normal and position values in
// eye space.
// normal is a normalized vector.
// This function returns the computed color.
vec4 spot_light_color ( vec3 normal, vec4 position )
vec4 computed_color = vec4 ( c_zero, c_zero, c_zero,
c_zero );
vec3 lightdir;
vec3 halfplane;
float ndotl, ndoth;
float att_factor;
att_factor = c_one;
// we assume "w" values for light position and
// vertex position are the same
lightdir = -;
// compute distance attenuation
if ( light.compute_distance_attenuation )
vec3 att_dist;
att_dist.x = c_one;
att_dist.z = dot ( lightdir, lightdir );
att_dist.y = sqrt ( att_dist.z );
att_factor = c_one / dot ( att_dist,
light.attenuation_factors );
// normalize the light direction vector
lightdir = normalize ( lightdir );
// compute spot cutoff factor
if ( light.spot_cutoff_angle < 180.0 )
float spot_factor = dot ( -lightdir,
light.spot_direction );
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