Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
buffer object is used to store vertex attribute data for vertices of one or
more primitives. The element array buffer object stores the indices of one
or more primitives. The actual array or element data are specified using
glBufferData . Note that GL_STATIC_DRAW is passed as an argument to
glBufferData . This value is used to describe how the buffer is accessed by
the application and will be described later in this section.
void glGenBuffers (GLsizei n , GLuint * buffers )
number of buffer object names to return
pointer to an array of n entries, where allocated buffer
objects are returned
glGenBuffers assigns n buffer object names and returns them in
buffers . The buffer object names returned by glGenBuffers are
unsigned integer numbers other than 0 . The value 0 is reserved by
OpenGL ES and does not refer to a buffer object. Attempts to modify or
query the buffer object state for buffer object 0 will generate an error.
The glBindBuffer command is used to make a buffer object current. The
first time a buffer object name is bound by calling glBindBuffer ,
the buffer object is allocated with the default state; if the allocation is
successful, this allocated object is bound as the current buffer object for
the target.
void glBindBuffer (GLenum target , GLuint buffer )
can be set to any of the following targets:
buffer object to be assigned as the current object to target
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