Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-13. You can only use pins capable of Pulse Width Modulation with
analogWrite() . These pins are indicated with a tilde (~) next to the pin num-
ber on the board.
The syntax of analogWrite() is:
analogWrite(pin, value);
The parameters of analogWrite() are:
pin : the pin number
value : an integer between 0 (totally off) and 255 (totally on)
analogWrite() does not return a value.
Try the function out now to make an LED fade up and down, much like the
LED on some computers that shows it's “sleeping.”
1. Connect an LED to pin 9 of your Galileo the same way you did in “Pin
Numbers” on page 28 . Don't forget to include a current limiting resistor
in your circuit as shown in Figure 3-5 .
2. Within the Arduino IDE, click File Examples 01.Basics Fade to open
the analogWrite() example.
3. Click upload.
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