Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
It would be difficult to give exact instructions that work in all
Linux distributions. These instructions have been tested on a
fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. However, they should
work on many other distributions as well.
1. Navigate to http://www.intel.com/support/galileo/ and click Software
2. Click the link to download Intel Galileo Arduino SW 1.5.3 on Linux64bit
or Intel Galileo Arduino SW 1.5.3 on Linux32bit.
If you're not sure if you're running a 32-bit or 64-bit system,
type uname -m from the command line. The response will in-
clude “32” or “64.” If you're still not sure, you can always just
download the 32-bit version as it will run on both 64-bit and
32-bit systems.
3. If your browser asks you, save the .tgz file in your ~/Downloads directory.
4. Open a terminal window by clicking on its icon in your application launch-
er or typing Ctrl+Alt+T.
5. According to the folks at Intel, a system service called modem manager
can interfere with the Galileo. Remove it with the following command:
sudo apt-get remove modemmanager
6. Navigate to where your files downloaded and extract it from there to your
home directory with tar :
cd ~/Downloads
tar -xzf Intel_Galileo_Arduino_SW_1.5.3_on_Linux64bit_v0.7.5.tgz -C ~/
7. Navigate to where you extracted the files:
cd ~/arduino-1.5.3
8. Launch the Arduino IDE:
9. Within the IDE, choose /dev/ttypACM0 under Tools Serial Port before
uploading your sketch. ( Figure F-1 )
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