Hardware Reference
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# shutdown -h now
8. Disconnect the USB cable and power, and then reconnect the power.
Now every time the Galileo launches, your server will start.
If you want to disable the script from starting up again, simply execute:
# update-rc.d -f start-server.sh remove
Taking It Further
In this chapter, you used Galileo's Linux capabilities to connect to Internet
servers and even created your own basic server with Arduino code. Here are
a few ways that you can push your Galileo even further:
• If you want to learn more about what Python is capable of, the free online
course Learn Python the Hard Way is a fantastic resource.
• When you boot Galileo off the SD card, it also includes Node.js , a plat-
form for creating server applications with the language JavaScript. This
can be another powerful tool for creating dynamic web apps that run off
of Galileo. Just like with Python, Node.js can work with the pins directly,
or communicate with your Arduino code.
• A few folks from Intel created ConnectAnyThing , “an open platform in-
tended for easy prototyping of connected appliances, devices, and in-
stallations using Intel's Galileo development board.” It's cool because it
turns Galileo in a WiFi hotspot and lets you read inputs and control out-
puts from any browser.
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