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# vi json-parse.py
3. Type the letter i to enter insert mode. An ā€œIā€ will appear in the lower left
hand corner of your screen.
4. Edit the file so that it reflects the code in Example 6-6 .
5. In the Arduino IDE, create a new sketch with the code from
Example 6-7 . You'll see that it's very similar to Example 6-3 . Instead of
calling curl from the command line, it uses Python to run the script you
wrote from Example 6-6 .
6. Upload the code to the board.
Example 6-6. Using Python to parse JSON
import json
import urllib2
httpResponse = urllib2 . urlopen ( 'http://nextmakemagazine.appspot.com/json' )
jsonString = httpResponse . read ()
jsonData = json . loads ( jsonString )
print jsonData [ 'daysAway' ] #
Print only the number of days until the next MAKE will come out from
the JSON response.
Example 6-7. Calling Python from Arduino code
void setup () {
Serial . begin ( 9600 );
void loop () {
Serial . println ( getDays ());
delay ( 5000 );
int getDays () {
char output [ 5 ];
FILE * fp ;
fp = popen ( "python /home/root/json-parse.py" , "r" );
if ( fp == NULL ) {
Serial . println ( "Couldn't run the curl command." );
return - 1 ;
else {
fgets ( output , sizeof ( output ), fp );
if ( pclose ( fp ) != 0 ) {
Serial . println ( "The curl command returned an error." );
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