Hardware Reference
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int getHours () { //
char output [ 5 ]; //
FILE * fp ;
fp = popen ( "curl http://nextmakemagazine.appspot.com/simple" , "r" ); //
if ( fp == NULL ) { //
Serial . println ( "Couldn't run the curl command." );
return - 1 ;
else {
fgets ( output , sizeof ( output ), fp );
if ( pclose ( fp ) != 0 ) { //
Serial . println ( "The curl command returned an error." );
return - 1 ;
return atoi ( output ); //
Call the function getHours() and print its result. getHours() is defined
Create a new function called getHours that will return an integer.
Create an array of characters called output for storing the response.
Create a file pointer called fp , which is how our code will reference
the output of the Linux command.
Use the Linux curl command to fetch the number of hours and store
it in fp .
If there was a problem running curl , report the error in the serial
monitor and have the getHours() function return -1.
Otherwise, read the data in fp and put it into the output array.
If curl had a problem getting the data (for instance, if the server is
not available), report the error in the serial monitor and have the
getHours() function return -1.
Have the function return the contents of the array as an integer using
the built-in atoi (ASCII character array/string to integer) function.
Defining Functions
The first thing you might notice in Example 6-3 is that the loop function has
only two lines of code. The delay(5000) ensures that each iteration of the
loop happens only every five seconds. But what about
Serial.println(getHours()); ? The innermost function, getHours() , is ac-
tually defined right below the loop function.
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