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And if you want to do math with decimals, you'll simply use a decimal point
to indicate that you'd like to do math with floating points so that you don't
lose the decimal like you do with integers:
The line above would print 2.75 to the serial monitor.
When looking at Arduino code from the official examples or from other
projects, you may encounter the data type long . This type is mostly helpful
for Arduinos like the Uno, where integers use fewer bits (16 bits versus 32 on
the Galileo) and therefore can't count as high. long is a type meant to store
a wider range of numbers than int and use less precious memory. However,
on the Galileo, both int and long (along with their unsigned counterparts)
use the same number of bits and therefore have the same range.
While using an int will suffice in most cases, it's important to be aware of the
existence of long as some Arduino functions return this data type. For in-
stance, see “millis()” on page 95 . It's also important to be aware of long if you
are writing a sketch that you may run on an Arduino Uno, Leonardo, or com-
patible board. On those boards, the maximum value for an int is 32,767.
A boolean variable is meant to store the values true or false . This data type
is frequently used to store “flags” to indicate a state or mode of your sketch.
You can then evaluate those variables in loops and if statements. For in-
#define START_BUTTON 3
boolean gameStarted = false ; //
void setup () {
void loop () {
if ( digitalRead ( START_BUTTON )) {
gameStarted = true ; //
if ( gameStarted ) { //
// game play code here
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