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( T = 250 and 10000 s). Here the mantle-prism image bears evidences of the crustal
prism and even of the near-surfase prism.
The pseudo-topography of the phase
16 s,
the high-resistivity near-surface prism is imaged as a 2D “horst” with an azimuth of
0 . When lowering frequency, this effect attenuates rather rapidly, giving place to
the effect of the conductive crustal prism imaged as a 2D “horst” with an azimuth of
-45 ( T =1 and 6.3 s). As the frequency is further decreased, the effect of the near-
surface prism virtually vanishes and we can see the superimposition of the crustal
and mantle effects ( T = 40 and 250 s). Here the conductive mantle prism is imaged as
a gently sloping uplift striking at -90 . Both the effects are weakly expressed at the
period T
brd is shown in Fig. 11.53. At T
10000 s where the impedance phase reflects the homogeneous mantle
underlying the mantle prism (at depths much greater than 100 km). To sum up, we
Fig. 11.53 Pseudo-topographies of the impedance phase
brd : NP, CP, and MP are, respectively, the
near-surface, crustal, and mantle prisms. The horizontal scale of distances is given in kilometers,
and the vertical scale of phases is given in degrees
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