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Fig. 11.17 Trial geoelectric model of the Baikal rift; one-dmensional inversion of the averaged
eff -curves (Berdichevsky et al., 1980)
where coefficients a 0 ,
of polynomial approximation are determined by the
least squares method. Note that an optimum order of the polynomial is chosen in
accordance with supposed dimensions of target structures.
Consider now a filtering technique known as Electro-Magnetic Array Profiling,
EMAP (Bostick, 1984; Torres-Verdin and Bostick, 1992). The typical EMAP array
is shown in Fig. 11.18. It consists of the magnetic base station and the measurement
electric dipoles, which are continuously aligned along the profile oriented across the
structural strike (the employment of a continuous array helps to avoid aliasing). The
a 1 ,
a 2 ...
E x
E x
E x
E x
E x
H x
E y
H y
Fig. 11.18 The typical EMAP array (Torres-Verdin and Bostick, 1992)
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