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Fig. 11.13 Correlation
between the apparent
resist iv ites
A ( T = 100 s 1 / 2 )and
A ( T
1s 1 / 2 ) related to
descending and ascending
branches of the
A -curves
obtained in the model of the
-effect shown in Fig. 11.1
inhomogeneities and low frequencies corresponding to the large-scale buried
structures of different orders that are the target of MT-survey. In this context, the
suppression of the noise reduces to the low-frequency filtration.
A simplest low-frequency filter can be constructed using a low-order polynomials
(Kaufman, 1988). As an example, take a filter that smoothes the spatial variations
of the effective apparent resistivities:
a 2 x 2
eff ( x )
a 0 +
a 1 x
a 3 x 2
a 5 y 2
eff ( x
y )
a 0 +
a 1 x
a 2 y
a 4 xy
Fig. 11.14 Averaging the
A -curves obtained in the
model of the
-effect shown
in Fig. 11.11
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