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T=10000 s
T=10000 s
Fig. 6.4 The electric and magnetic field profiles in the vertical-interface model (TE-mode). Model
, =
100 Ohm
Profile parameter: period T=1, 100, 10000 s
symmetric. Note that Re W zy ,
Im W zy are positive for
10 and negative for
/ =
Im W zy
are directed from the quarter-space of lower resistivity to the quarter-space of higher
resistivity. But it is significant that at low frequencies the imaginary arrows vanish,
while the real arrows achieve their maximum.
In closing we take a brief look at the W zy
1. So, the real and imaginary induction arrows plotted by Re W z y ,
profiles shown in Fig. 6.7. The Re W zy -
profiles contain a nearly symmetric maximum just over the vertical interface. Its
width is of the order 3 ( h eff +
h eff ). The Im W zy
profiles contain two maxima sep-
arated by a deep spike minimum at the vertical interface. The total width of this
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