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The model examples of tippers V are shown in Fig. 4.2. In two-dimensional
models the Vozoff tippers V and Wiese-Parkinson tippers Re W have the same
direction, while in three-dimensional models the difference in their directions can
be rather large. The advantage of the Vozoff tipper is the higher sensitivity to remote
three-dimensional structures.
Figure 4.6 presents the Vozoff tippers V obtained along the regional profile
crossing South Kamchatka (Berdichevsky and Nguen Tkhan Van, 1991). Here
the ellipticity
qt H varies from 0.15 to 0.3 indicating more or less strong three-
dimensionalities. At the same time the tipper phase
V at periods 2500-10,000 s
deviates rather slightly from 0 o which evidences the dominating influence of the
oceanic currents (coastal effect). On the Pacific coast this effect is much stronger
than on the Sea-of-Okhotsk coast. The North-West and North-East orientation of
T = 2500 s
T = 5000 s
T = 10000 s
Fig. 4.6 The Vozoff tippers
V obtained along profile
crossing South Kamchatka
(Berdichevsky and Nguen
Tkhan Van, 1991)
0 0 0 km
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