Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 3. (left) Present-day temperature at 400 m: blue shading (orange coloring) characterizes temperatures below (above)
CO 2 triple-point temperature indicating CO 2 clathrate stability (instability). The temperature data are taken from the work
of Levitus [1994]; cyan contours indicate the triple-point temperature at 400 m depth. (right) LGM temperature at 400 m;
coloring same as left. The LGM temperature data are obtained by subtracting an LGM temperature anomaly estimate from
the Levitus [1994] temperature climatology. The LGM temperature anomaly estimate is obtained by averaging the
difference between LGM and present-day simulations obtained from two climate models: (1) the LOVECLIM climate
model [Timmermann et al., 2009] and (2) the CCSM3 model [Otto-Bliesner et al., 2006].
solubility into a colder glacial ocean would account for only
a small, ~30 ppm, portion of the total 80 ppm decrease in
glacial atmospheric concentrations. Higher salinities in the
glacial ocean, as well would have offset the effects of en-
hanced solubility. Carbonate chemistry and shifting carbon-
ate deposition have also been considered as influences on the
atmospheric CO 2 variability during glacials [Ainsworth et
al., 2004; Archer and Maier-Reimer, 1994; Brigault et al.,
1998; Broecker, 1982, 2009b; Broecker and Clark, 2003;
Marchitto et al., 2005]. For this mechanism to explain the
recurrent ~80
100 ppm drops in atmospheric CO 2 during
glacials, decreased carbonate deposition in the oceans would
have to be invoked. The deep-sea carbonate record itself
does not provide a clear indication that this factor was the
primary in
uence on glacial/interglacial CO 2 variability, al-
though it very likely contributed to the variability [Broecker
and Clark,2001;Farrell and Prell, 1989]. Furthermore,
while shallow water carbonate deposition was reduced dur-
ing glacials, the deglacial increase in deposition on the con-
tinental shelves and at shallow carbonate reefs did not occur
until after sea level had risen and, therefore, well after atmo-
spheric CO 2 had begun to increase.
Considerable research has focused on mechanisms to en-
hance carbon transfer into the ocean
s interior during glacials
via biological processes termed the biological pump. The
Southern Ocean has received most attention because macro-
nutrients are not fully utilized there. If biological sequestration
of carbon was increased within the Southern Ocean during
glacials, it could have enhanced transfer of CO 2 from the
atmosphere into the ocean interior [Adkins et al., 2002; Ito and
Follows, 2005; Keeling and Stephens, 2001a, 2001b; Masson-
Delmotte et al., 2005; Rozanski et al., 1992; Sarmiento and
Toggweiler, 1984; Siegenthaler and Wenk, 1984; Sigman et al.,
2010; Stephens and Keeling, 2000; Toggweiler and Sarmiento,
1985]. It is also possible, although debated, that weakening or
equatorward displacement of westerly winds over the Southern
Ocean during glacials reduced Ekman pumping and upwelling
of carbon-rich waters to the surface during glaciation
Plate 4. Timing of Southern Ocean temperature (black) and sea ice
(red) change during the last glacial termination in relation to the
austral spring insolation at 70°S (W m 2 , blue). The Southern
Ocean SST index is obtained by averaging over the spline-interpo-
lated SST records from MD88-770 MD97-2120, RC11-120; the sea
ice proxy is derived from the sea salt sodium
flux in the EPICA
Dronning Maud Land (EDML) ice core and plotted on common
EDML1/EDC3 time scale.
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