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machine-readable, or in other words, to structure your data in a way that a
computer can understand. Which data format you use can change by visu-
alization tool and purpose, but the three following formats can cover most
of your bases: delimited text, JavaScript Object Notation, and extensible
Markup Language.
Most people are familiar with delimited text. You did after all just make a
comma-delimited text file in your data scraping example. If you think of a
dataset in the context of rows and columns, a delimited text file splits col-
umns by a delimiter. The delimiter is a comma in a comma-delimited file.
The delimiter might also be a tab. It can be spaces, semicolons, colons,
slashes, or whatever you want; although a comma and tab are the most
Delimited text is widely used and can be read into most spreadsheet pro-
grams such as excel or Google Documents. You can also export spread-
sheets as delimited text. If multiple sheets are in your workbook, you usu-
ally have multiple delimited files, unless you specify otherwise.
This format is also good for sharing data with others because it doesn't
depend on any particular program.
This is a common format offered by web APIs. It's designed to be both
machine- and human-readable; although, if you have a lot of it in front of
you, it'll probably make you cross-eyed if you stare at it too long. It's based
on JavaScript notation, but it's not dependent on the language. There are a
lot of specifications for JSON, but you can get by for the most part with just
the basics.
Visit http:// for the
full specification
of JSON. You don't
need to know
every detail of
the format, but it
can be handy at
times when you
don't understand a
JSON data source.
JSON works with keywords and values, and treats items like objects. If
you were to convert JSON data to comma-separated values (CSV), each
object might be a row.
As you can see later in this topic, a number of applications, languages, and
libraries accept JSON as input. If you plan to design data graphics for the
web, you're likely to run into this format.
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