Graphics Programs Reference
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Do the same thing with the lare.apps folder. Your Flex Builder window
should look like Figure 5-30 after you expand the flare.apps/flare/apps/
folder and click
FIGurE 5-30 JobVoyager code opened
If you click the run button right now (the green button with the white play
triangle at the top left), you should see the working JobVoyager, as shown
in Figure 5-31. Get that working, and you're done with the hardest part: the
setup. Now you just need to plug in your own data and customize it to your
liking. Sound familiar?
P Visit http:// to
try the inal visual-
ization and to see
how the explorer
works with con-
sumer spending.
Figure 5-32 shows what you're after. It's a voyager for consumer spending
from 1984 to 2008, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. The horizontal
axis is still years, but instead of jobs, there are spending categories such
as housing and food.
Now you need to change the data source, which is speciied on line 57 of
private var _url:String = “”;
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