Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Next, re-implement the saveButtonTapped as shown below:
@IBAction func saveButtonTapped(sender: UIBarButtonItem ) {
delegate !. filterViewController ( self ,
didSelectPredicate: selectedPredicate ,
sortDescriptor: selectedSortDescriptor )
dismissViewControllerAnimated ( true , completion: nil )
This means every time you tap Search in the top-right corner of the filter/sort
screen, you'll notify the delegate of your selection and dismiss the filter/sort screen
to reveal the list of venues behind it.
You need to make one more change in this file. Scroll down to
didSelectRowAtIndexPath and implement it as shown below:
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView ,
didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath ) {
let cell = tableView. cellForRowAtIndexPath (indexPath)!
switch cell {
// Price section
case cheapVenueCell :
selectedPredicate = cheapVenuePredicate
case moderateVenueCell :
selectedPredicate = moderateVenuePredicate
case expensiveVenueCell :
selectedPredicate = expensiveVenuePredicate
default :
println ( "default case" )
cell. accessoryType = . Checkmark
When the user taps on any of the first three price category cells, this method will
map the selected cell to the appropriate predicate. You store a reference to this
predicate in selectedPredicate to have ready when you notify the delegate of the
user's selection.
Now, switch to ViewController.swift and make the following change to the class
class ViewController: UIViewController ,
Search WWH ::

Custom Search