Database Reference
In-Depth Information
//add the line below
populateModerateVenueCountLabel ()
Build and run the sample project. As before, tap Filter on the top right to reach the
filter/sort screen:
Great news for bubble tea lovers! Only two places are moderately expensive.
Bubble tea as a whole seems to be quite accessible. :]
An alternate way to fetch a count
Now that you're familiar with NSCountResultType , it's a good time to mention that
there's an alternate API for fetching a count directly from Core Data.
Since there's one more price category count to implement, let's use this alternate
API now. Add the follow lazy property below the one you added previously:
lazy var expensiveVenuePredicate: NSPredicate = {
var predicate =
NSPredicate (format: "priceInfo.priceCategory == %@" , "$$$" )
return predicate
Now implement the following method below populateModerateVenueCountLabel :
func populateExpensiveVenueCountLabel()
// $$$ fetch request
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "Venue" )
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