Database Reference
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You'll use this lazily instantiated NSPredicate to calculate the number of venues that
fall into the lowest price category.
Note: NSPredicate supports key paths. This is why you can drill down from the
Venue entity into the PriceInfo entity using priceInfo.priceCategory .
Next, implement the following method in FilterViewController :
func populateCheapVenueCountLabel()
// $ fetch request
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "Venue" )
fetchRequest. resultType = .CountResultType
fetchRequest. predicate = cheapVenuePredicate
var error: NSError ?
let result =
coreDataStack . context . executeFetchRequest (fetchRequest,
error: &error) as [ NSNumber ]?
if let countArray = result {
let count = countArray[ 0 ]. integerValue
firstPriceCategoryLabel . text =
" \(count) bubble tea places"
} else {
println ( "Could not fetch \(error) , \(error!. userInfo ) " )
This method creates a fetch request to fetch Venue entities. You then set the result
type to . CountResultType and set the fetch request's predicate to the lazy variable
you defined moments ago.
When you set a fetch result's result type to NSCountResultType , the return value
becomes an optional Swift array containing a single NSNumber . The integer inside the
NSNumber is the total count you're looking for.
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