Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Note: Sometimes Xcode will create relationship properties with the generic
NSManagedObject type instead of the specific class, especially if you're making
lots of subclasses at the same time. If this happens, just correct the type
yourself or generate the specific file again.
There is one more step before you can use your managed object subclasses. Click
into the data model, select the Dog entity and open the Data Model inspector:
Next to Class , replace Dog with Dog_Walk.Dog . Do the same for the Walk entity,
swapping Walk with Dog_Walk.Walk . You did this in the last chapter, but in case
you forgot why it's necessary, this step connects the fully specified class name for
your managed object subclasses with the entities in your data model.
A walk down persistence lane
All your setup is complete: your Core Data stack, your data model and your
managed object subclasses. It's time to convert Dog Walk to use Core Data. You've
done this several times before, so this should be an easy section for you.
Pretend for a moment that this application will at some point support tracking
multiple dogs. The first step is to track the currently selected dog. Switch to
ViewController.swift and replace the walks array with the following property:
var currentDog: Dog !
Then, add the following code to the end of viewDidLoad :
//Insert Dog entity
let dogEntity = NSEntityDescription . entityForName ( "Dog" ,
inManagedObjectContext: managedContext )
let dog = Dog (entity: dogEntity!,
insertIntoManagedObjectContext: managedContext )
let dogName = "Fido"
let dogFetch = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "Dog" )
dogFetch. predicate = NSPredicate (format: "name == %@" , dogName)
var error: NSError ?
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