Database Reference
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Similarly, every time the user taps on Rate, it executes the rate action in your
code. This action is currently empty. Implement it as shown below:
@IBAction func rate(sender: AnyObject ) {
let alert = UIAlertController (title: "New Rating" ,
message: "Rate this bow tie" ,
preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle . Alert )
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction (title: "Cancel" ,
style: . Default ,
handler: { (action: UIAlertAction !) in
let saveAction = UIAlertAction (title: "Save" ,
style: . Default ,
handler: { (action: UIAlertAction !) in
let textField = alert. textFields ![ 0 ] as UITextField
self . updateRating (textField. text )
alert. addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler {
(textField: UITextField !) in
alert. addAction (cancelAction)
alert. addAction (saveAction)
self . presentViewController (alert,
animated: true ,
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