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currentBowtie = bowties[ 0 ]
populate ( currentBowtie )
} else {
println ( "Could not fetch \(error) , \(error!. userInfo ) " )
Keeping track of the currently selected bow tie is necessary to implement the Wear
and Rate buttons since these actions only affect the current bow tie.
Every time the user taps on Wear, the button executes the wear action method. But
wear is empty at the moment. Implement it as shown below:
@IBAction func wear(sender: AnyObject ) {
let times = currentBowtie . timesWorn . integerValue
currentBowtie . timesWorn = NSNumber (integer: (times + 1 ))
currentBowtie . lastWorn = NSDate ()
var error: NSError ?
if ! managedContext . save (&error) {
println ( "Could not save \(error) , \(error!. userInfo ) " )
populate ( currentBowtie )
This method takes the currently selected bow tie and increments its timesWorn
attribute by one. Since the timesWorn property is an NSNumber , you have to first
unbox the integer, increment it and wrap it up nicely into another NSNumber .
Then, you change the lastWorn date to today and save the managed context to
commit these changes to disk. Finally, you populate the user interface to visualize
these changes.
Run the application and tap Wear as many times as you'd like. It looks like you
thoroughly enjoy the timeless elegance of a red bow tie!
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