Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Even though you can do everything directly on NSManagedObject using key-value
coding, that doesn't mean you should!
The biggest problem with key-value coding is the fact that you're accessing of data
using strings instead of strongly-typed classes. This is often jokingly referred to as
writing stringly typed code. :]
As you probably know from experience, “stringly typed” code is vulnerable to silly
human errors such as mistyping and misspelling. Key-value coding also doesn't
take full advantage of Swift's type-checking and Xcode's auto-completion.
The best alternative to key-value coding is to create NSManagedObject subclasses for
each entity in your data model. That means there will be a Bowtie class with correct
types for each property!
Xcode can automatically generate the subclass for you. Make sure you still have
Bow_Ties.xcdatamodeld open, and go to Editor\Create NSManagedObject
Subclass… . Select the data model and then the Bowtie entity in the next two
dialog boxes, then select Swift as the language option in the final box. If you're
asked, say No to creating an Objective-C bridging header. Click Create to save the
Go to Bowtie.swift . It should look like this:
import Foundation
import CoreData
class Bowtie: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var name: String
@NSManaged var isFavorite: NSNumber
@NSManaged var lastWorn: NSDate
@NSManaged var rating: NSNumber
@NSManaged var searchKey: String
@NSManaged var timesWorn: NSNumber
@NSManaged var photoData: NSData
@NSManaged var tintColor: AnyObject
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