Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Once again, Core Data has your back. If you took a close look at
SampleData.plist , you probably noticed that each bow tie has an associated color.
Select the Bowtie entity in the model editor and add a new attribute named
tintColor of data type Transformable :
You can save any data type to Core Data (even ones you define) using the
transformable type as long as your type conforms to the NSCoding protocol.
UIColor conforms to NSSecureCoding , which inherits from NSCoding , so it can use the
transformable type out of the box. If you wanted to save your own custom object,
you would first have to implement the NSCoding protocol.
Note: The NSCoding protocol is a simple way to archive and unarchive objects
into data buffers so they can be saved to disk.
If you want to familiarize yourself with NSCoding , check out Ray's NSCoding
tutorial for a quick introduction:
Your data model is now complete. The Bowtie entity has the eight attributes it
needs to store all the information in SampleData.plist .
Managed object subclasses
In the sample project from the last chapter, you used key-value coding to access
the attributes on the Person entity. It looked something like this:
//Set the name
person. setValue (name1, forKey: "name" )
//Get the name
let name = person. valueForKey ( "name" )
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