Database Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can probably guess, Bow Ties is a lightweight bow tie management
application. You can switch between the different colors of bow tie you own—the
app assumes one of each—using the topmost segmented control—tap “R” for red,
“O” for orange and so on.
Tapping on a particular color pulls up an image of the tie and populates several
labels on the screen with specific information about the tie. This includes:
The name of the bow tie (so you can tell similarly-colored ones apart);
The number of times you've worn the tie;
The date you last wore the tie;
Whether the tie is a favorite of yours.
The Wear button on the bottom-left increments the number of times you've worn
that particular tie and sets the “last worn” date to today.
Orange is not your color? Not to worry. The Rate button on the bottom-right
changes a bow tie's rating. This particular rating system uses a scale from 0 to 5,
allowing for decimal values.
That's what the application is supposed to do in its final state. Open
ViewController.swift to see what it currently does:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
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