Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The most significant change to these methods occurs in cellForRowAtIndexPath .
Instead of matching cells with the corresponding string in the model array, you now
match cells with the corresponding NSManagedObject .
Note how you grab the name attribute from the NSManagedObject . It happens here:
cell. textLabel . text = person. valueForKey ( "name" ) as String
Why do you have to do this? As it turns out, NSManagedObject doesn't know about
the name attribute you defined in your data model, so there's no way of accessing it
directly with a property. The only way Core Data provides to read the value is key-
value coding, commonly referred to as KVC.
Note: If you're new to iOS development, you may not be familiar with key-
value coding or KVC.
KVC is a mechanism in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch for accessing an object's
properties indirectly using strings to identify properties. In this case, KVC
makes NSMangedObject behave more or less like a dictionary.
Key-value coding is available to all classes that descend from NSObject ,
including NSManagedObject . You wouldn't be able to access properties using
KVC on a Swift object that doesn't descend from NSObject .
Next, replace the save action in the addName @IBAction method with the following:
let saveAction = UIAlertAction (title: "Save" ,
style: . Default ) { (action: UIAlertAction !) -> Void in
let textField = alert. textFields ![ 0 ] as UITextField
self . saveName (textField. text )
self . tableView . reloadData ()
This takes the text in the text field and passes it over to a new method called
saveName . Add saveName to ViewController.swift , as shown below:
func saveName(name: String ) {
let appDelegate =
UIApplication .sharedApplication(). delegate as AppDelegate
let managedContext = appDelegate. managedObjectContext !
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