Database Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see, this JournalEntry function returns a comma-separated string of the
entity's attributes. Because the JournalEntry attributes are allowed to be nil , the
function uses the nil coalescing operator ( ?? ) so that it exports an empty string
instead of an unhelpful debug message that the attribute is nil .
Note: The nil coalescing operator ( ?? ) unwraps an optional if it contains a
value; otherwise it returns a default value. For example, the following:
let coalescedHeight = height != nil ? height! : ""
Can be shortened by using the nil coalescing operator:
let coalescedHeight = height ?? ""
Now that you know how the app creates the CSV strings for an individual journal
entry, take a look at how the app saves the CSV file to disk. Switch to
JournalListViewController.swift and find the following code in exportCSVFile :
// 1
var fetchRequestError: NSError ? = nil
let results = coreDataStack . context . executeFetchRequest (
self . surfJournalFetchRequest (),
error: &fetchRequestError)
if results == nil {
println ( "ERROR: \(fetchRequestError) " )
// 2
let exportFilePath = NSTemporaryDirectory () + "export.csv"
let exportFileURL = NSURL (fileURLWithPath: exportFilePath)
NSFileManager . defaultManager (). createFileAtPath (
exportFilePath, contents: NSData (), attributes: nil )
Let's go through the CSV export code step by step:
1. First, the code retrieves all JournalEntry entities by executing a fetch request.
The fetch request is the same one used by the fetched results controller and
therefore the code uses surfJournalFetchRequest to create it, avoiding
2. The code creates the URL for the exported CSV file by appending the file name
(“export.csv”) to the output of NSTemporaryDirectory . The path returned by
NSTemporaryDirectory is a unique directory for temporary file storage. This a
good place for files that can easily be generated again and don't need to be
backed up by iTunes or to iCloud. After creating the export URL, the code calls
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