Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The only reason SurfJournalDatabase.sqlite , SurfJournalDatabase.sqlite-shm
or SurfJournalDatabase.sqlite-wal would fail to copy over on first launch is if
something really bad happened, such as disk corruption from cosmic radiation. In
that case the device, including any apps, would likely also fail. If the app won't
work, there's no point in continuing, so the initializer calls abort .
Note: We developers often frown upon using abort , as it confuses users by
causing the app to quit suddenly and without explanation. But this is one
example where abort is acceptable, since the app needs Core Data to work.
If an app requires Core Data to be useful and Core Data isn't working, there's
no point in letting the app continue on, only to fail sometime later in a non-
deterministic way. Calling abort at least generates a stack trace, which can be
helpful when trying to fix the problem.
If your app has support for remote logging or crash reporting, you should log
any relevant information that might be helpful for debugging before calling
abort .
Once the initializer has copied over the pre-populated database and support files,
the final step is to add the seeded database store to the persistent store
// 6
var error: NSError ? = nil
let options = [ NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : true ,
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : true ]
store = psc . addPersistentStoreWithType ( NSSQLiteStoreType ,
configuration: nil ,
URL: storeURL,
options: options,
error: &error)
// 7
if store == nil {
println ( "Error adding persistent store: \(error) " )
abort ()
6. NSPersistentStoreCoordinator hands you an NSPersistentStore object as a side
effect of attaching a persistent store type. You simply have to specify the store
type ( NSSQLiteStoreType in this case), the URL location of the store file and some
configuration options.
7. Finally, the initializer checks if the store was successfully created. If it wasn't, the
app won't work, so there's no point in continuing; the initializer calls abort .
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