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results. append (departmentDictionary)
return results
} else {
println ( "ERROR: \(error?. localizedDescription ) " )
return [[ String : String ]]()
This code does the following:
1. It creates a fetch request with the Employee entity and then fetches all
2. It iterates though the employees and builds a dictionary, where the key is the
department name and the value is the number of employees in that department.
3. It builds an array of dictionaries with the required information for the department
list screen.
How could you measure the performance of this code?
Open DepartmentListViewControllerTests.swift (notice the Tests suffix in the
filename) and add the following code after the tearDown function:
func testTotalEmployeesPerDepartment() {
measureMetrics ([ XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime ],
automaticallyStartMeasuring: false ) {
let departmentList = DepartmentListViewController ()
departmentList. coreDataStack = CoreDataStack ()
self . startMeasuring ()
let items = departmentList. totalEmployeesPerDepartment ()
self . stopMeasuring ()
This function uses measureMetrics to see how long code takes to execute.
You have to set up a new Core Data stack each time so that you aren't just taking
advantage of Core Data's excellent caching to make the subsequent test runs really
Inside the block, you first create a DepartmentListViewController and give it a
CoreDataStack . Then, you call totalEmployeesPerDepartment to retrieve the number
of employees per department.
Now you need to run this test. From Xcode's menu bar, select Product and then
Test , or press U. This will build the app and run the tests.
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