Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Measure the problem
Instead of Instruments, you'll use the XCTest framework to measure the
performance of the department list screen. XCTest is usually used for unit tests, but
there are some new performance testing tools available as of Xcode 6.
Note: For more information on unit tests and Core Data, check out Chapter 8,
“Unit Testing”
First, familiarize yourself with how the app creates the department list screen. Open
DepartmentListViewController.swift and find the following code in
totalEmployeesPerDepartment .
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "Employee" )
var error: NSError ? = nil
var fetchResults =
coreDataStack . context . executeFetchRequest (fetchRequest,
error: &error)
if fetchResults {
var uniqueDepartments = [ String : Int ]()
for object in fetchResults {
let employee = object as Employee
if let employeeDepartmentCount =
uniqueDepartments[employee. department ] {
uniqueDepartments[employee. department ] =
employeeDepartmentCount + 1
} else {
uniqueDepartments[employee. department ] = 1
var results = [[ String : String ]]()
for (department, headCount) in uniqueDepartments {
let departmentDictionary:[ String : String ] =
[ "department" :department,
"headCount" : String (headCount)]
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Custom Search