Database Reference
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Both tests use the addCampSite method to create a new CampSite . You know this
method works from your previous test, so there's no need to test it again. The
actual tests cover retrieving the CampSite by ID and verifying that it is or isn't nil .
Think about how this test is much more reliable starting from an empty database
for every test. If you weren't using the in-memory store, there could easily be a
campsite matching the ID for the second test, which would then fail!
Run the unit tests. The test expecting a CampSite fails because you haven't
implemented getCampSite yet.
Notice the other unit test expecting no site passes. This is an example of a false
positive, because the method always returns nil . It's important that you add tests
for multiple scenarios for each method to exercise as many code paths as possible.
Implement getCampSite in CampSiteService.swift with the following code:
public func getCampSite(siteNumber: NSNumber ) -> CampSite ? {
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "CampSite" )
fetchRequest. predicate = NSPredicate (
format: "siteNumber == %@" , argumentArray: [siteNumber])
var error: NSError ?
let results = self . managedObjectContext . executeFetchRequest (
fetchRequest, error: &error)
if error != nil || results == nil {
return nil
return results!. first as CampSite ?
Now re-run the unit tests and you should see green check marks. Ah, the sweet
satisfaction of success.
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