Database Reference
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updateContextWithUbiquitousContentUpdates is a flag that tells the stack to start or
stop listening for the notification. It has a property observer, which sets an internal
property to either the default notification center or nil . Using a property observer
on that property actually starts or stops observing the notification. This might
sound complicated, but it takes advantage of a number of Swift features to remove
a lot of checking and conditional code.
Next, since this call to addObserver references a selector, that function needs to
exist on the CoreDataStack object. Add the following straightforward method:
func persistentStoreDidImportUbiquitousContentChanges(
notification: NSNotification ){
NSLog ( "Merging ubiquitous content changes" )
context . performBlock {
self . context . mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification (
With this change, enabling iCloud updates to refresh the UI context is as simple as
setting the updateContextWithUbiquitousContentUpdates to true . This will come in
handy in the NotesListViewController .
Open NotesListViewController.swift and tell the Core Data stack to start looking
for iCloud changes in viewWillAppear :
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool ){
super . viewWillAppear (animated)
notes . performFetch ( nil )
tableView . reloadData ()
stack . updateContextWithUbiquitousContentUpdates = true
As before, build and run CloudNotes on the device as well as in the Simulator. Try
adding a note from the Simulator, trigger an iCloud refresh, and the new note
should appear on the device within a few moments!
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