Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The first method is a simple convenience wrapper to determine whether the
persistent store is compatible with a given model. The second method helps by
retrieving the metadata for the store.
Next, add the following computed properties to the class:
lazy var storeURL : NSURL = {
var storePaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (
. ApplicationSupportDirectory , .UserDomainMask, true )
let storePath = storePaths[ 0 ] as String
return NSURL . fileURLWithPath (
storePath. stringByAppendingPathComponent (
self . storeName + ".sqlite" ))!
lazy var storeModel : NSManagedObjectModel ? = {
for model in NSManagedObjectModel
. modelVersionsForName ( self . modelName ) {
if self . storeIsCompatibleWith (Model:model) {
println ( "Store \( self . storeURL ) is compatible with model
\(model. versionIdentifiers ) " )
return model
println ( "Unable to determine storeModel" )
return nil
These properties will allow you to access the current store URL and model. As it
turns out, there is no method in the CoreData API to ask a store for its model
version. Instead, the easiest solution is brute force. Since you've already created
helper methods to check if a store is compatible with a particular model, you'll
simply need to iterate through all the available models until you find one that works
with the store.
Next, you need your migration manger remember the current model version. Add a
property to the class, as follows:
lazy var currentModel: NSManagedObjectModel = {
// Let core data tell us which model is the current model
let modelURL = NSBundle . mainBundle (). URLForResource (
self . modelName , withExtension: "momd" )
let model = NSManagedObjectModel (contentsOfURL: modelURL!)
return model
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