Database Reference
In-Depth Information
5. The migration manager needs to know the connection between the source
object, the newly created destination object and the mapping. Failing to call this
method at the end of a custom migration will result in missing data in the
destination store.
6. Finally, the return value tells the migration manager that everything went well.
That's it for the custom migration code! Core Data will pick up the mapping model
when it detects a v3 data store on launch, and apply it to migrate it to the new data
model version. Since you added the custom NSEntityMigrationPolicy subclass and
linked to it in the mapping model, Core Data will call through to your code
You just need to wrap up the changes to the new entity subclasses. Open
Attachment.swift and remove the image property.
Next, create a new Swift file called ImageAttachment and replace its contents
with the following:
import UIKit
import CoreData
class ImageAttachment: Attachment {
@NSManaged var image: UIImage ?
@NSManaged var width: CGFloat
@NSManaged var height: CGFloat
@NSManaged var caption: NSString
There are several places in the app that reference Attachment that you now need to
change to reference ImageAttachment .
Open Note.swift and change the first two lines of latestAttachment() so that they
reference ImageAttachment instead:
func latestAttachment() -> ImageAttachment ? {
var attachmentsToSort = attachments . allObjects as [ ImageAttachment ]
Finally, open AttachPhotoViewController.swift and find
imagePickerController(_:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:) . Change the line that
sets up attachment so that it uses ImageAttachment instead:
let attachment =
NSEntityDescription . insertNewObjectForEntityForName (
"ImageAttachment" ,
inManagedObjectContext: note. managedObjectContext )
as ImageAttachment
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